Weather Instruments List Set Up For June 2019
My weather instruments list that I am using for June 2019, will be especially for this new month. We have been experiencing a very cloudy, and damp weather system for well over a year.
This overall weather pattern has put us in a place locally of some special situations often not seen in a lifetime.
My selection for my weather instruments list is the following.
- An anemometer
- Wind vane
- Soil moisture sensor
- Dewpoint sensor
- Thermometer-Outside Temperature sensor
My reasons for picking these for my weather instruments list for June 2019, will be explained next.[toc]
Why I Picked These Types of Weather Instruments
In looking at the array of weather sensors to choose from it was obvious to me, what I needed to concentrate on for this month. Since our ground is saturated with moisture right now, we need to be watching how well the weather is responding to the wetness.
We need to have better evaporation in our local area. The farmers haven’t been able to even plow the fields, yet have them planted with crops. To bring this to my level and probably your level as well what about our garden for this year, 2019?
Gardening has been really close to not existing so far. Between days of hard rain, on and off throughout, as well as the temperatures being 8-9 degrees below normal, the garden is a mudhole.
With this current picture, what needs to be watched for me to successfully get the garden in ASAP is the following 3 items for a successful garden this year, 2019.
3 Top Gardening Tips For 2019
- You must aerate your soil so that seeds can germinate properly
- Overnight temperatures and daily highs need to be maximized
- The wind direction and wind speeds need to be monitored. There is a big difference between moist garden soil and wet garden soil.
Please go here for recommended reading=>=>=> Wet Soil vs. Moist Soil
For Point 1
Here are my thoughts. When your garden is a mudhole, it is very heavy in moisture and doesn’t have the proper ability to breathe, and it has a denseness that will rot your seeds, not germinate them in the normal growing way.
So you need to loosen up the surface areas and let the evaporation be maximized to the soil conditioned for good seed growing.
For Point 2
You may need to keep as much much warmth in the topsoil and garden surface at all times. If it is going to be colder overnight, maybe cover some areas. This will allow for more moisture evaporation which is what you need most right now.
For Point 3
The wind is a key to good evaporation for your lawn, garden, or field. The sun and wind are always key elements to having good evaporation necessary for having good planting and great growing.
This will then lead to lush-looking lawns and great crop yields in fields.
Then your home garden will look like this. A great garden for great eating where plenty of foods will be prepared for non-food-producing months in the fall and winter months.
Kinds of Weather Instruments That I Use and Where to Find Them
So I have based this site on the main US manufacturers of weather stations and weather sensors. The main ones I write about are La Crosse, AcuRite, and Davis Instruments.
Each company has its own strengths and weaknesses. But the one really cool thing is that with the competition between them, you will have as choices so really useful, sensors that you can add on to your weather station.
Davis Instruments 6345 Leaf/Soil Moisture/Temp Monitoring StationI want to talk about a couple of these that will help you in this discussion of June 2019.
Choice 1
My choice 1 is the Davis Instruments 6440 Soil Moisture Sensor. This seems to be a favorite with home gardeners far and wide. You can use this with the Davis Instruments 6345 Leaf/Soil Moisture/Temp Monitoring Station.⏩⏩⏩⏩
This weather station will monitor 4 of the soil moisture sensors in your garden for you. This should help propel a much better gardening situation for you.
So this will take care of a vital cog in what I need in my locality this June. We have very wet soil, and it has been very cloudy for months now.
So if I am planting I need to know what my soil needs attention to, to maximize my seeds germinating for my garden plants this June.
Next year June 2020 there may be a totally different set of weather instruments that I can call on to help me out.
Choice 2
Davis Instruments 6372
My choice 2 is another Davis Instruments add-on sensor. This is in addition to your expense of buying the weather station of your choice.
You can match up the Davis Instruments 6372 Wireless Temperature Station which will transmit temperature readings from up to 4 temperature probes to your Vantage Vue weather station.
The temperature probes which may be used for either air temperature or soil temperature are the Davis Instruments 12181831 Stainless Steel Temperature Probe.
This probe works with the aforementioned Davis Instruments 6372. This will help me to know if your soil is warming up enough to be evaporating the extra moisture we have in our soil at this time. Knowing this will let you know if you need to do anything else to try to dry the garden out more.
Then you can get the plants on their way to healthy growth and a great yield of “yummy garden-fresh vegetables???”.
June Shows Better Signs
So as I write this it is raining again, but my weather station is telling me, the rain is much lighter than it has been earlier in the week.
We are also supposed to be getting a 5 day period with very little rain if any. This will help allow the serious gardening prep to start.
As you can see using these weather instruments will help enormously in getting the garden in, and in helping the early planting to come along as quickly as it can.
Read More About Using Weather Instruments Each Month of the Year-View Related Posts Below

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Weather Instruments for kids is about how you can use 3 weather situations that are predominant in May, to teach your kids about some weather instruments.
I suggest using weather instruments when looking at Tornadoes, Thunderstorms, and Heavy rainfall as teaching tools.
I learned at a young age how important weather was to your daily life. Bad weather could affect what you were trying to do that particular day. On the opposite side of the coin, a beautiful weather day could be a magnificent gift to you and you would want very much to be able to enjoy the good weather day you had been given.
My goal with this site is to share all about weather instruments and how they can be used to improve your daily life. Especially how helpful a personal weather station can be in improving your daily life at your home and on your property. Enjoy my findings and see if the information can help you out with your knowledge of understanding the weather in your locality.