The First Steps Towards Growing Kids Interest In Weather
So your child has expressed an interest in the weatherman on TV. He or she is enamored with being a weatherman.
So how do you go about building your kid’s interest in the weather?
Your child may even like to pretend they are doing the weather on TV.
Maybe your child just has enjoyable activities that include being outside in the weather. Or maybe
your kid has shown any interest in rain, snow, wind, etc. Then maybe they are a young aspiring meteorologist. How can you best bring that out in your middle school child?
If your child is indeed keen on weather activities then you need to get them around things that have to do with following the weather daily.
As an example, you could start keeping a diary for your child or should I say with your child. Get them doing activities with you.
Building your kid’s interest in the weather should involve your effort as well.
So your active interest in doing something they enjoy being involved in is of the utmost importance to them succeeding in building their goals into accomplishments.
Examples Of Building Kids Interest In Weather Using Activities
Here are some great activities to get you out and about and to give your child or children some reason to be involved in weather and weather activities.
- Go for a hike in the great outdoors. Involve walking in a very different area from what they have ever been exposed to. This will probably make them a bit uncomfortable as they are beyond their normal expectations. They will learn more as their senses are heightened
- Set up a Wind Sock to demonstrate the wind direction at any given time and place. This is an easy yet very effective and fun activity for learning.
- You can set up a simple rain gauge at a location out in the open at your home. This will give you precipitation amounts over 8,12, or 24 hour periods, whatever you decide are periods of time you wish to break down weather facts into. If you are recording it will be an exercise the child will enjoy and they will fully now realize that history will tell a story.
- You can have your child help you plan out an outside activity. This activity will involve checking out the weather. Such examples could be planning a family picnic, planning a trip to a state park, or a golf match with a friend. They could also plan out a tennis match as well.
- They could work for the growing season with you on setting up a garden. They could see how intricate the weather is with timing around things like when to do the weeding. Also when to do the planting, when to do the harvesting. All of these are affected by the weather. Another great example would be to plan out whether to water the garden or is it going to rain and how to protect the garden from a very cold night.
A Weather Tracker Makes Things Easier
Learning Resources Weather Tracker
To help them with tracking the weather better and to make it fun as well would be a great thing to increase the learning curve.
If you can hook fun in with the learning experience they will enjoy the tracking and recording activities. They will not fight you on doing this, nor will they question you on it is an important thing to do.
Plus they will be developing a great habit which will pay off in big benefits down the road. They will be growing bigger and better gardens, they will not be getting rained off on things they have planned to do. They will be able to work around and with the weather for their benefit and pleasure. A very useful duo purpose.
To help them with tracking the weather better and to make it fun as well would be a great thing for you to accomplish.
They should look at buying themselves one of these Learning Center Resource Weather Trackers. They are really cool, easy to use, and provide easy to use, easy to do, and very useful tracking ability.
A Slew Of Activity Ideas For Learning Weather
Be Amazing Toys Big Bag Of Science +70 Activities
Building kids’ interest in weather is a process. With that in mind maybe you have a person, who you know, who works a lot, and doesn’t have a lot of time to spend setting up many of these activities. They will appreciate products that get simple by teaching weather experiments and projects.
I wanted to take a look at one of these products that will help the ultra-busy person out. One of these products is the very exciting Big Bag Of Science which is full of science ideas and fun weather experiences.
This will keep your child or your children busy for many hours of the learning experience.
I have heard it said that these experiments are very clever and great eye-openers to the students. They are also easy to use and work through.
And as I promised this will save the ultra-busy parent a lot of stress and time in their desire to be exposing their kids to great learning opportunities.
They will use this kit to save their time as well.
If you are looking for more information on your kids and learning more about the weather, may I suggest you can read these other information-packed post.
Tips on Choosing the Best Weather Station For Kids To Use
Piquing Their Curiosity-Kids Weather Stations & Weather Information
Weather Stations For Kids-Your Ultimate Guide
Books That Could Capture Your Child’s Imagination About Weather
When you have younger children, the challenge to get them to focus is a real thing. Kids often are here and there and everywhere with their attention.
One way we used to get our kid’s undivided attention was by either reading a book to them or by watching a video with them.
Our challenge was always making sure that they were following a subject or an area that we could use as a learning experience. I always found their minds to be fresh to new things like a sponge.
Make those impressions good ones. Help them to learn things they need to be learning. Here are a couple of books that come highly recommended.
They are written by the Canadian Meteorologist Janice Dean, who currently serves as co-host and weather anchor on Fox and Friends weekday mornings. She has written these children’s books from the perspective of a meteorologist.
Freddy the Frogcaster- His Newest ForecastingFreddy the Frogcaster and the Huge Hurricane
Freddy the Frogcaster and the Big Blizzard
In Summation for Ideas to Bring Weather to Kids
It’s important that our children are taught about the weather they live in. If they learn about it they will understand and respect it.
Those who are really interested in how it works and why it works will be on their road to success as weather people if we as parents and grandparents do our job and cultivate an exciting interest in the weather sciences.
Start them young, expose them to their weather. The weather will always be there with them, why not have them understand it. Always remember how important it is to work on kids’ interest in the weather.
Read More About Teachings Kids to Appreciate Weather-View Related Posts Below

Be responsible to your kids, they are naturally very curious about life as they begin to grow and development. Teach them about weather.

You will find that building a weather station for kids is a great way to bond with your child, educate them.
I learned at a young age how important weather was to your daily life. Bad weather could affect what you were trying to do that particular day. On the opposite side of the coin, a beautiful weather day could be a magnificent gift to you and you would want very much to be able to enjoy the good weather day you had been given.
My goal with this site is to share all about weather instruments and how they can be used to improve your daily life. Especially how helpful a personal weather station can be in improving your daily life at your home and on your property. Enjoy my findings and see if the information can help you out with your knowledge of understanding the weather in your locality.