How Does Mounting AcuRite Weather Station Look To A New Buyer
If I were to start telling you about mounting AcuRite weather station, you would say that there is a lot more to it than you thought there would be.
I intend this article to give you a clear picture of what you will need to do to mount your AcuRite weather station.
It is your property, so the best thing is that you can choose where you wish for it to be installed.
The only thing is that you will need to make sure that you will be able to receive the instrument’s transmission to your display.
If the transmission is good then have a go at installing your AcuRite weather station.
Installing a weather station can be that easy, but you may also want to include a few other things to think about before deciding where your station goes on your property.
You may get your copy of my Free Report, Site Placement-Install Your Weather Station
This report will shed much more light on how, where, and why you would want to install or mount your personal AcuRite weather station.

Mounting AcuRite Weather Station
With Mounting An Acurite Weather Station you will experience making a few decisions.
In my report, Site Placement-Install Your Weather Station, many, many diverse reasons that will affect where you actually would be best served to place your weather station.
So I suggest heavily considering using the report as a guide, not a dictum.
You will get better results from your weather instruments if you do. Be happy that you did, instead of sorry later that you didn’t.
So in detail let’s now discuss the actual mounting of the AcuRite Iris 5-In-1 weather station.
As you know from my previous post, AcuRite Iris 5-In-1 Weather Station Review-What’s It Like, I go over why I picked out this AcuRite weather station, as my gift to my son and his family.
So the rest of this post details the actual mounting, my son and I did the other evening on his property.
Here are a few steps you should perform in this process.
5 Easy Steps To Mounting A Weather Station
Here are the actual steps I completed as I completed mounting the AcuRite weather station in his yard.
- First, we decided where in his house he wished to be using the display, day in, day out. We knew the line of transmission would not be interrupted.
- Next, we had already used the Site Placement report a few weeks earlier, and it had been decided where the sensor array for the AcuRite Iris was going to be mounted.
I had purchased ahead of time the mounting pieces that we were going to use for installing the AcuRite Iris 5-In-1 sensor array.
I have listed the first items as they are what I used to mount my AcuRite Iris 5-In-1 weather station. As you can see in this video. Here is the video with the details of my purchases.
This Buying List Gives Great Mounting Weather Station Ideas
I did research on my Amazon sales for the past year. All of the weather station mounting poles, brackets, etc have been purchased by users of George Loves Weather.
I feel this can save you time researching, and that it can also give you actual suggestions that could prove answers for you.
Thus here is my list of actual mounting poles, brackets, etc that have been used to mount their very own weather stations. List Of Customer Purchases Ideas You Can Use For Mounting Your Weather Station
So I hope you will use this list to save time.
Installing AcuRite Weather Station
Steps 3-5 From My Actual Mounting Of the AcuRite Iris
We left off with two steps discussed earlier. Now onto the rest of the steps.
- We cut a piece of a 4″x 4″ to enough length to allow the Solare Steel Pole Bracket to be fastened onto that 4″x 4″ wood piece.
- We then used large wood screws to drive the screws into the tree stump. A Note Here (As time goes by, eventually this tree stump will rot out and a new base will need to be found)
- After the pole bracket is set up, we need to prepare the 5-foot Channel Master Pole to be inserted into the pole bracket. An inserted screw will hold the pole in the mounting bracket. Then it will not be able to move in any direction.
AcuRite Weather Station Mounting Bracket
You must prepare to set the Iris sensor array onto the top of the pole.
That is why I made sure the top of the pole was bought with a Swedged End.
This will allow for the sensor array to fit nicely over the top of the pole. Then you may insert a couple of screws through the sensor array into the swedged end of the pipe to secure the array firmly in place.
I do mention using the bubble level on the top of the array as a guide to level up your instruments.
This will ensure that the rain gauge is level for collecting the rain.
Before you secure the sensor on top of the pole very important to make sure the transmission switch is set to “Switch A” Button.
I will be setting the display inside on “Switch A” Button as well.
This is on Page 6 of the AcuRite 5-In-1 Weather Sensor instruction manual for the rain gauge calibration
There are directions in the sensor manual where you can set up the calibrations for your rain gauge
What Does Swedged Pipe Mean
It’s Time To Go Inside To The AcuRite Iris Display
So now after everything is secured, I need to go inside the house to the Iris display, to make sure the display transmission switch (inside by the batteries) is set to the “Switch A” button as well.
After I did this within a few minutes (give it at least 15 minutes to talk to the sensor) we had results. Weather instrument readings were showing up everywhere on the display.
The display has now populated with weather instrument data from all of your weather sensors in your yard.
Now your display is working.
Remember, the Forecaster will start forecasting within a few hours.
Remember as well that it will take at least 15 days for the forecaster to hone in on your weather, so that it can give you accurate forecasts all the time, from here on out.
Actual Video Shows Mounting Of the Acurite Iris 5-In-1
See The AcuRite Mounting Highlights on this video footage.
Please comment on these posts as well as please write me with any questions you may have concerning mounting your weather station.
You may write me at