Some Gift Ideas For the Weather Geek
With the Christmas season this year fast approaching, you are pressed to find ideas for gifts for the weather enthusiast in your life.
You think they have everything already but you also know how much they enjoy the weather and how much they talk about it all the time.
They are maybe even looked at by some as a weather geek. But what to buy this person is a challenge so we have some ideas for you. 7 must-see ideas for gifts for the weather enthusiast.
Make Christmas 2022 special for your weather enthusiast.
Gift Idea #1 ☃
Indoor/Outdoor Wall Mount Thermometer w/Black Metal FrameClick Here For Today’s Price
This is an indoor/outdoor thermometer. It is also a wall-mounted thermometer, which accurately tracks temperatures indoors and outdoors from -40 to 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
This thermometer features
- Black metal frame
- Measures temperatures from -40 to 120 degrees Fahrenheit
- Very Durable
- Works indoors and outdoors
- It measures 12 inches tall
- Two-year warranty included
- A two-year limited warranty covering workmanship and manufacturer defects.
Gift Idea #2
This decorative indoor thermometer quickly indicates changes in temperature in your home or office. The red ball rises & falls as the surrounding temperature changes.
The actual instrument hangs inside of the cherry-finished wood frame and has temperature gradients of 10° F from 50° F to 110° F and is accurate to within 5°.
Center Dial Diameter: 5.5″ / 3.5″
This thermometer is covered by a two-year limited warranty covering workmanship and manufacturers’ defects.
Please see the River City Clocks Warranty Page for more information about the warranty.
A List of Features
- Cherry-finished wood frame
- Designed to be used indoors
- The floating red ball rises and falls as temperature changes
- Indicates temperature in Fahrenheit and Celsius
- Two-year warranty included
Gift Idea #3
Hanging Galileo Thermometer with Cherry Finished Wood Frame – 17 Inches TallClick Here For Today’s PriceThis decorative indoor thermometer quickly indicates changes in temperature in your home or office. The gold ball rises & falls as the surrounding temperature changes.
The actual instrument hangs inside of the cherry-finished wood frame and has temperature gradients of 10° F from 50° F to 110° F and is accurate to within 5°.
Center Dial Diameter is: 11.25″ / 8.5″
Also notable is that this thermometer is covered by a two-year limited warranty covering workmanship and manufacturers’ defects. Please see the River City Clocks Warranty Page for more information about the warranty.
Some Attractive Features Are
- Cherry-finished wood frame
- Designed to be used indoors
- The floating gold ball rises and falls as temperature changes
- Indicates temperature in Fahrenheit and Celsius
- A two-year warranty is included
Gift Idea #4 ☃
13 Inch Liquid Galileo Thermometer with Five Multi-Color Floats and Gold TagsClick Here For Today’s Price
This is My Favorite New Gift Idea for 2018
Galileo Thermometers are magnificent creations that make Galileo’s 400-year-old principle of relative density a functional reality.
Each Thermometer is encased in brilliant glass with many multi-color floating balls.
A gold tag that displays a temperature in Fahrenheit hangs beneath each ball. The Galileo Thermometer is the point at which art meets science.
Galileo Thermometers are precisely manufactured. Each liquid-filled float weighs exactly .006 grams more than the one above.
Personally, I really like this as a gift idea for the weather geek you know. I would personally be very excited to receive one of these in my Christmas Stocking on Christmas Day 2022
Precise measurements of the liquid-filled balls ensure a stately and orderly procession of ups and downs as the temperature changes.
A most often asked question is: How do I read the temperature?
To tell the temperature, you read the tag on the lowest of the floating balls. This is Galileo’s 400-year-old principle of fluid density at work.
As the temperature of the fluid in the cylinder increases, the pressure drops and the liquid becomes less dense. When the precisely measured floats reach their specific calibrated temperature they drop.
As the temperature of the liquid cools, the process is reversed and the floats rise from the bottom of the cylinder. How accurate is this Galileo thermometer?
This thermometer is covered by a two-year limited warranty covering workmanship and manufacturers’ defects. Please see the River City Clocks Warranty Page for more information about the warranty.
The Galileo’s List of Features
- Functional and decorative
- It has temperature gradients of 4° F from 64°
- F to 80° F and is accurate to within 4°
- Uses science principles developed by the famous Italian physicist, Galileo Galilei
- Tags beneath each ball indicate the temperature
- Two-year warranty included
Gift Idea #5
SWEN Products ROOSTER Weathervane (Roof Mount Included)
This gift idea is weather basic. When I was a kid, all of the barns in the town I lived in had a weather vane on the barn’s rooftop.
You could always find out which way the wind was blowing, plus the rooster is a farm classic. This is a great idea for a weather geek.
- Complete Roof Mount Weathervane
- Powder Coat Baked On Finish
- Constructed out of 16 Gauge Steel
- Stainless Steel Sealed Ballbearing in the Windcup
- Interchangeable Tops
- Measures 25.6 x 13.3 x 3.8 inches
Gift Idea #6?
AMZLUCKY – Rain Gauge + Thermometers + Wind Indicator Garden Outdoor Weather
The AMZLUCKY has a couple of really cool features.
- Easy to clean, harmless to health.
- Temperature ranges from -40 to +230 °C.
- The thermometer is safe to use in ovens, microwave ovens, dishwashers, and freezers.
Our Final Must-See Gift Idea #7
Bits and Pieces Garden Décor-Hand Painted Gnome Rain Gauge Sculpture for Your
I know some people who really are excited about Gnomes. When we visited Ireland, I found out just how excited my two daughters were about some of the gnomes used as decorations by the Irish in their yards.
- The charming gnome fellow to the right will bring luck to your garden. He can also help you keep track of your rainfall at the same time.
- I am told he is whimsically sculpted of weather-resistant polyresin and people elves hand-painted him for you.
- the Plastic tube rain gauge holds up to 5″ of rainfall.
- Measures 8″ tall x 3-1/4″ wide.
I believe this would make a great gift for any weather enthusiast who may also be a gardener.
I learned at a young age how important weather was to your daily life. Bad weather could affect what you were trying to do that particular day. On the opposite side of the coin, a beautiful weather day could be a magnificent gift to you and you would want very much to be able to enjoy the good weather day you had been given.
My goal with this site is to share all about weather instruments and how they can be used to improve your daily life. Especially how helpful a personal weather station can be in improving your daily life at your home and on your property. Enjoy my findings and see if the information can help you out with your knowledge of understanding the weather in your locality.