The Ultimate Guide To DIY Pole Mount Ideas
In this post, I intend to give you 5 top diy weather station pole ideas that I believe you may use to save money.
You should find these simple to do and inexpensive for you to find and mount your weather station with.
Every good weather station needs a good pole to mount it on. There are many ways to build a weather station pole and they vary in complexity and stability.

Some Ideas Of What Your DIY Can Look Like
Make Sure Your Pole Can Withstand All Bad Weather Elements
Choosing the best diy pole is important because they will serve as your anchor and you won’t want that to fall apart in the middle of a bad storm.
The right pole should be able to withstand high winds, should be lightweight, should not be too hard or complex to construct, and can also hopefully provide an aesthetic quality for your space.
Do you need to install a weather station near your home? What is the best weather station pole for this?
This article will discuss how to find the best diy poles for mounting outdoor weather stations.
We'll also cover some of the most popular diy poles for mounting that are available on Amazon.
I am discussing some great weather station pole ideas in this article.
You can get great results from a weather station if you use it correctly.
It will help you know when it is time to bring in the garden, or if you are about to have a storm coming into your area.
To Start With, What You Will Need To Know
For a diy weather station pole, you have to know what you want. You have to determine the height and diameter of the pole.
How do you know what you want?
You will need to do a complete site map of your property. This will include walking and checking for all areas that are available to be used for mounting your weather station.
Let's move into the area site walk-through.
Let's Start By Walking Your Site
What do I mean and include in this walk-through? You will need to:
- Look for any higher than 8 feet obstructions. These could cause a flow collection problem of rain in the rain gauge, or they could also stop the signal from getting to your inside weather station reception/receiver.
- Next, you will not locate the weather station anywhere near asphalt, or black tar-like roofing as it will absorb heat and cause a misreading of the temperature.
- Avoid a site where you will have direct sunlight much of the time. This will cause an inflated temperature reading.
- It would be best to mount at a height of 8 to 12 feet above the ground or a roof, side of a building, etc. This will free up your anemometer to freely register wind speed and direction.
- Make sure you will have a good open area airflow, that is natural and nothing that could overheat, suppress stop or enhance any type of weather condition.
That sounds like a perfect place you say. Well yes, that is what you are striving for, the best-suited spot for your weather station.

Lawn DIY mounting Pole Idea
Check Out Your Weather Station's Attachment
Every weather station comes with instructions. Please read the instructions.
Then look at the area on the weather station where you will attach it.
What you will attach it to, you will decide next.
Look at the attachment area, measure the opening that will be fitting over or where you will be sliding the pole mount through.
I always want to know what the maximum size is and also how small it will tighten to.
To get a better idea you can take a look at my unboxing post to see what I did and what I looked at when un-boxing my La Crosse V-40-Pro Weather Station.
The post can be found here La Crosse V-40-Pro Weather Station Unboxed Remote Monitoring Station
Look at the bottom of your weather station.
Just measure the diameter inside that needs to be shipped over the pole.
That measurement is what is needed to determine the size of the pole (the diameter of the pole) that you can use to attach the station to.
Then you will need to figure out how long the pole needs to be for the best weather information.

La Crosse V40 Pro On A Mounting Pole
How I Set Up My Personal Weather Station
I set up my own weather station using these two parts.
I purchased both of these on Amazon.
This is my mounting pole for my La Crosse V40-PRO.
It has been working great now for over three years now.
It has been proudly staying in place and reporting the weather to me.
What I Did
I decided, for me, my best spot was on the southwest corner of my tool shed.
This is in my backyard, and it is not exposed to direct sunlight very much.
First we don't get an abundance of sunshine and secondly from probably 11:00 am until sunset direct sunlight is limited. I actually have the temperature sensor under the top roof framework of a built add on covered deck.
If you have read any of my weather station reviews you know and realize that the temperature sensor may be placed at another location on my property.
It very often is in a more shaded area that the temperature sensor will be located.
So I purchased (after researching) these two TV Antenna installation parts.
I thought they would work perfectly for what I needed to install my weather station.
As you can see in the pictures it worked out well.

What My Mounting Using These Two Items Looks Like
5 Best Pole DIY Ideas
So as you can see from directly above, do a site walk, plan out exactly by measuring what you need, and then purchase what you need to install your personal weather station.
Buy pipe sections and then wall mounts (brackets) to fasten the pole to the wall of the shed, house, garage, or fence.

An Example To Get You Thinking
As an example buy something like this as an example.
Look for something like Rigid Pipe Strap Clamp Hanger, then a 6-foot section of 1 inch galvanized pipe.
My 5 DIY Ideas
So let's go over 5 different suggestions for a DIY weather station pole of your own.
So I am going to use some Amazon products as suggestions and for thought so you can figure out what will work for you.
Let's take as look at this type of strap that you would fasten to a sidewall, either a tool shed, side of a fence, sidewall of a house, you get the idea.
These clamps are very similar to what I used on my tool shed.
I simply screwed them into the sidewall of the shed and then tightened the pole against the wall with them as the pole was lined up to exactly where I needed to have it.
So the position was perfect. The height was perfect as well. It works.
You determine for you what will work. That is suggestion number 1
Idea #2 For a DIY Weather Station Pole
A suggested selection number 2 idea is this particular type of bracket.
Place the pole and then tighten it into place.
Again maybe that will work for you. Many of the poles need to be weatherized.
They can be either galvanized or ones that have been galvanized using the Flo-Coat (zinc-chromate polymer) for excellent corrosion proof protection.
Always remember all of this is out in the weather elements 24 hours a day and 365 days, year-round so rust and weather will happen.
It is not a question of if it will happen but when it will happen.
Be prepared with good solid parts for your mounting pole.
A Davis Instruments Weather Station Pole Mounting Kit
Idea number 3 would be setting up a Davis Instruments Weather Station Mounting Tripod on a flat roof section.
This could be a section of your home roof or part of a roof section on your garage or maybe a tool shed.
This would then these two products that you can now take a look at on Amazon.
Again, I am not saying you need to purchase from me and Amazon, but what I want you to catch is the spirit of the idea.
After your site walks, maybe this flat roof tripod is just right for you.
You may also want to take a look at this Pitch Pad Kit for Tripod/Wall Mounting to ensure no leaks in your roof after installing this Tripod.
Think Of More Weather Station Mounting Pole Ideas
Number 4 is to set up your weather station on an angle on your sloped house roof.
Then you need to look at
Channel Master CM-3090 Telescoping Universal Antenna Mast Pole
This pole mount for any angled (sloped) roof features that it is definitely compatible with any weather station you would try to mount with it.
It includes a telescoping mast where the length will cover anything from a 24" to a 44" height.
The best part is that the mounting plate offers multiple angles of installation.
Whether it may be eaves, angled roof of any type all can make the weather station still stay upright. It is covered for you.
Covers up to 30 lbs of load.
Rust proofed material (pre-galvanized steel)

My Idea 5 For DIY weather Station Pole
Idea 5 would be to fasten at an angle on the side of a tall fence or to have it figured out to set up on the eaves of your second-story bedroom open area.
Think of all of the possibilities. Many difficult for normal installation, this would make it easier to use some of the more difficult places to still mount easily.
A very flexible pole mount. Possibility #5.
The One Goal For the DIY Weather Station Pole
So you have read this post, plus you have looked at my other post-Top Weather Station Pole Idea.
These two posts and my whole mounting category will help you to set up the absolute best location for your very own personal weather station.
This will mean your very own best weather information
In Conclusion
Mounting ideas usually can be matched up with a mounting fixture/pole kit of some type that you may purchase.
But sometimes your choices for mounting your personal weather station limits you.
At those times you may need to be innovative. I hope I sparked some ideas for you with this posts.
Many ideas once explored may not work, but you can find something and some way to get the very best results using your weather equipment.
Please write me if you have a questions. You may contact me at
I learned at a young age how important weather was to your daily life. Bad weather could affect what you were trying to do that particular day. On the opposite side of the coin, a beautiful weather day could be a magnificent gift to you and you would want very much to be able to enjoy the good weather day you had been given.
My goal with this site is to share all about weather instruments and how they can be used to improve your daily life. Especially how helpful a personal weather station can be in improving your daily life at your home and on your property. Enjoy my findings and see if the information can help you out with your knowledge of understanding the weather in your locality.