Where Is the Real Value in the Davis Instruments 6163 Wireless Weather Station
As I was preparing to take a look under the hood of this weather station, the Davis Instruments 6163 Wireless Weather Station, I was really pondering some key points.
- Point 1 would be, is a weather station worth that much more than another weather station? Is the value increase real or is it a perceived value difference to the new owner? Why would I pay over $1000 for a weather station compared to let’s just say a weather station costing you $139.95 currently on Amazon?
- Point 2 If the value does increase is it worth all the extra expense, the real expense that it is going to cost you.
- Point 3 So If the value is that much more for you then will you make the investment in yourself to obtain that markedly obvious added value.
Will you make the investment to the professional type of weather station you didn’t know you wanted but now after reading our detailed report on all that is there at your fingertips, then the investment will be very worthwhile for you to make.
“It is Exceptional Weather Equipment, You Won’t Be Disappointed!”
So now let’s take a serious look at the display console that is used. This alone would be enough to convince me of the 6163’s real value. Then further along after we look at the console, many other areas are discussed and you can see for yourself just how professional this weather station unit is.
The model 6163 has a very interesting display console that is used by it, to present the weather data that its remote sensors are continuously gathering. Here are a couple of photos to help you understand better, what is presented and how the information is presented to you as well.
The following types of data are collected and displayed on the console for you, some are available on recall for you.
- Daily Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . Includes the earliest time of occurrence of highs and lows; period begins/ends at 12:00 am
- Monthly Data . . . . . . . . . . .the period begins/ends at 12:00 am on the first of the month
- Yearly Data . . . . . . . . . . the period begins/ends at 12:00 am on the first of January unless otherwise noted
- Current Display Data . . . . . . . . . Current display data describes the current reading for each weather variable. In most cases, the variable lists the most recently updated reading or calculation.
Davis Instruments 6163 Wireless Weather StationDavis Instruments 6163 Wireless Weather Station
The console also displays icons, to show what your current weather outside is. These icons are as follows. Weather forecast icons used are the sun, partly cloudy, clouds, rain, or snow. The display will also take you through 8 Moon phases each lunar cycle.
The graphing part of the console is really cool. It will graph out for you all types of different weather data collections. Some examples that Davis provides as a guideline for what you can do are as follows:
- Current Graph Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Current graph data appears in the right-most column in the console graph and represents the latest value within the last period on the graph; totals can be set or reset. Display intervals vary. Examples include: Instant, 15-min., and Hourly
- Reading; Daily, Monthly, High and Low Graph Time Interval . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 min., 10 min., 15 min., 1 hour, 1 day, 1 month, 1 year (user-selectable, availability depends upon variable selected)
- Graph Time Span . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Intervals + Current Interval (see Graph Intervals to determine time span)
- Graph Variable Span (Vertical Scale) . . . . . . . . . . . .Automatic (varies depending upon data range); Maximum and Minimum value in range appear in the ticker
Other features that can be viewed on the Davis display console are any of the following highlights. Some may intrigue you, others may not. But they all are possibilities for you and are provided by your Davis Instruments 6163 Wireless Weather Station.
So moving along to some need-to-know things about the Davis Instruments 6163 Wireless Weather Station.
The Davis Instruments 6163 Dimensions
- ISS sensor dimensions Vantage Pro2 with Fan-Aspirated Rad Shield . . . . . . 20.8″ x 9.4″ x 16.0″ (528 mm x 239 mm x 406 mm)
- Display Console Dimensions-Console with antenna down (L x H x D) is . . . . . . . . 10.625″ x 6.125″ x 1.625″ (270 mm x 156 mm x 41 mm)
Console with antenna extended up (L x H x D) is . . . . . 10.625″ x 9.625″ x 1.625″ (270 mm x 245 mm x 41 mm)
Davis Instruments 6163 Wireless Weather Station Video
Transmission Information
- Wireless transmission-good for up to 1000 feet
- Transmission interval . . . . . . varies with transmitter ID code from 2.25 seconds (#1=shortest), to 3 seconds
- Update interval . . . . . . . . . varies with sensor
Instrument Sensors
The Integrated Sensor Suite(ISS) includes the following, instrument sensors that will measure the weather for you.
- Thermometer for Indoor temp reading
- Anemometer-a cup anemometer is supplied to record the wind speed
- Rain Gauge-for measured precipitation
- Outside temperature and humidity sensor
- Barometer-to provide the barometric pressure
The software that is provided by Davis Instruments as add-ons are listed below for you. These are all accessory software packages that may be purchased. They too are listed below with some tips about the programs included below the list.
Also please go to our review on the Davis Instruments 6250 Vantage Vue Wireless Weather Station which may be FOUND HERE to read in more detail our section on these data logger software additions.
Yes, the software may be purchased and used with the Davis 6163. The constantly updated readouts will provide you with current weather conditions from your station’s remote sensor readings.
Davis makes available for separate purchase 8 different software products. Some of these are smaller features for sections of the sensor program but some are entire software packages for the entire weather station.
We list some suggestions to look at below for your research and purchasing ease. You can click on any of these links to get today’s special Low Price
Davis 6510Ser Weatherlink For Vantage Vue & Pro2 Series
Davis Instruments WeatherLink USB Software
Davis Instruments 6316 Wireless Weather Envoy
Davis WeatherLink 6550 Software Data Logger for Emergency Response Teams
Davis WeatherLink for Irrigation Control
Please realize that your weather data as it is accumulated is automatically saved to Davis’s web servers. This actually provides four times the storage that the data logger does.
If you wish to become part of the WeatherLink Network, then you can use the WeatherLinkIP data logger.
The WeatherLink Network is a collection of websites containing customer weather information that is stored on a server owned by Davis Instruments.
Here is some exciting news to tell you. Being part of the WeatherLink Network and having a site on WeatherLink.com means you are part of a community of weather enthusiasts who use the WeatherLink Network to view their own weather data.
All who are a part of this network share that weather data with friends and people across the world quickly and easily. This can bring a great deal of enjoyment and satisfaction to your hobby and work.
Manufacturer Support
Davis Instruments
3465 Diablo Avenue
Hayward, California 94545-2778 U>S>A>
E-mail: info@davisnet.com
Site: www.davisnet.com
Phone for support (510) 732-9229
Fax: (510) 732-9188
How Powered
ISS(Integrated Sensor Suite) is powered by either the solar-powered or the battery backup
The console is powered by:
Integrated Sensor Suite Includes a solar-powered aspirated fan
This wireless weather station has a transmission range up to 1000′
Come with an aspirated fan
Has a UV radiation shield unit to guard and protect your temperature sensors from giving you incorrect readings
Many data controlling (data Loggers) may be added as accessories. As an example, you may add a soil moisture sensing unit to your Davis 6163
A customizable station with a wide range of options and sensors to help professionals and hobbyists measure, monitor, and manage weather data
Many features may be obtained only by purchasing extra programs. They are not included in your original purchase.
The anemometer cups are plastic. Some believe this can be a problem in how accurate the wind speed is recorded.
Please make sure you are receiving the new aero cone (the new cone rain gauge)
There are some additional weather instruments that you may add on as additional expenses
In Summation My Feelings on the Davis Instrument 6163 Wireless Weather Station
Davis Instruments 6163 Wireless Weather Station; UV/solar/fan
After much study and reading, I have decided this weather station should be rated as a 4.5 Star rating. In doing so I decided on this being a great entry point for someone who wants to jump up to the level of professional equipment.
Yes, I have decided the real value I talked about at the beginning of this article is indeed real value, not just perceived value.
With that in mind, I really think that there is really great value in owning this weather station.
In spending or as I would like to think (investing) in this weather equipment, I am setting myself up for the best weather experience, I have ever personally had.
I am not a trained meteorologist but I get to be like a real meteorologist using this wonderfully built weather equipment.
So if you are a big fan of weather, or as I say George Loves Weather (I Really Do) so please take a serious look at the Davis Instruments 6163 Wireless Weather Station.
Read More About Davis Instruments Weather Stations-View Related Posts Below

The Davis Instruments 6250 Vantage Vue is a professional-level personal weather station.
It is reviewed here in great detail.

Davis Instruments Vantage Pro2 Plus Wireless Weather Station is reviewed in great detail. This is a personal weather station that will please the more sophisticated weather fans.
I learned at a young age how important weather was to your daily life. Bad weather could affect what you were trying to do that particular day. On the opposite side of the coin, a beautiful weather day could be a magnificent gift to you and you would want very much to be able to enjoy the good weather day you had been given.
My goal with this site is to share all about weather instruments and how they can be used to improve your daily life. Especially how helpful a personal weather station can be in improving your daily life at your home and on your property. Enjoy my findings and see if the information can help you out with your knowledge of understanding the weather in your locality.
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