This page is here to help you take a quick look at some of our best-selling weather stations. The manufacturer and the model number reviewed are on the left of our chart. Then you can take a quick go from left to right of 7 of our favorite ways to compare the systems to each other. These areas of measurement seem to be the most universal things that buyers are looking at. The most important things that really matter to them.
To read a review, click on any of the model names in the comparison table. You can click on the arrows in each column to sort the table by the information in that. You can also use the Search box just above the table to filter the data to include only specific brands. Just enter the brand name in that box.
Product Name My Rating Price # of Measurements Forecaster Colored Display Backlight Software
La Crosse S88907 4.6 Under $100 2 Yes Yes Yes No
AcuRite 75077 4.4 Under $100 2 Yes No Yes No
La Crosse 308-1414B 4.4 Under $100 2 Yes Yes Yes No
AcuRite 01036 4.3 Between $75-$125 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes
AcuRite 01301CCDI 4.1 Between $75-$125 3 Yes Yes Yes No
Davis Instruments 6250 Vantage Vue 4.4 Over $200 5 Yes No Yes No
Blackshark Wireless Weather Station 4.0 Under $100 2 Yes No Yes No
Following are the column definitions:
Product Name
The first column is Product Name. This is the manufacturer and the model number of the product that we have reviewed. Just click on the link in the first area to be taken to that detailed product review. As models are discontinued we will update this list.
The second column is Rating. This rating is a combination of the number of reviews on the manufacturer’s site and Amazon’s site and then I have either added or subtracted from their average ratings to get my recommended rating.
The third column is the Price. This is usually a bit fluid depending on many business conditions currently. This just gives you a broad range category that this model fits into currently.
#of Measurements
This section lists the # of measurements section. Simply stated the number of instruments housed in the remote outdoor sensor.
The fifth column is Forecaster. Simply does this model have a built-in weather forecaster unit, which will be giving a 12-24 hour forecast daily. Either it has one or it does not.
Colored Display
The next column is Colored Display. Either the model has a colored display or it doesn’t.
Either this station’s display is backlit or not. Yes, it has a backlight, or no it doesn’t have a backlight.
Does any software come with this weather station or not? Can it be connected with a computer for data transmission?