Celsius Compared to Fahrenheit
It has been many years since I studied Centigrade versus Fahrenheit in school. Over the years as I wasn’t around nor did I ever Learn to use Centigrade for any reason. Celsius seems like a distant memory to me.
So as I have been building this site I have stopped many times to try to figure out what a foreign country’s temperature reading is to me in the United States.
Finally, I decided to do research and post an article about this so all readers are able to bone up if they are rusty.
Is Celsius the Same as Centigrade
The Celsius and Centigrade temperature scales are the same temperature scales. With both grades the temperatures start with zero degrees occurring at the freezing point of water and one hundred degrees is at the boiling point of water.
The confusing part here is that the centigrade scale was invented by Anders Celsius, a professor of astronomy at the University of Uppsala, Sweden.
So it has been called Celsius’ scale today but was called the centigrade scale originally by Celsius himself.
What I have found to be True in Centigrade vs Fahrenheit
So in studying Centigrade vs Fahrenheit you find that it is usually a matter of what you were brought up using. Many older folks grew up using the Fahrenheit readings.
So that is what we are comfortable with, so that is why most weather stations sold in the United States have both readings performed both their thermometers.
If you are looking for some simple outside or inside thermometers here are a couple of cheaper choices for you.
Springfield Big and Bold ThermometerAcurite 02007 Digital Home Weather StationSpringfield Vertical Thermometer and Hygrometer (9.125-Inch)La Crosse Technology WS-9160U-IT Digital Thermometer
The Celsius scale is used almost everywhere else in the world. There are two main temperature scales: °F, the Fahrenheit Scale (used in the US), and °C, the Celsius Scale which is used in most of the rest of the world. It is a major part of the worldwide universally used metric scale.
Both temperature scales measure the same thing (temperature!), but use different numbers:
A couple of examples:
Boiling water (at normal atmospheric pressure) measures 100° in Celsius, but 212° in Fahrenheit
And as water freezes, it measures 0° in Celsius, but 32° in Fahrenheit
Celsius Convert to Fahrenheit
The Fahrenheit temperature scale is named for German physicist Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit and is used primarily in the United States. As I said earlier Celsius is used everywhere else in the world. So I guess I need to get with the world standard.
Many of the weather stations sold in the United States have readings available in both grades. However, there are a few weather stations that are sold in only the Celsius grade being available.
How do you convert the two standards?
Fahrenheit to Celsius conversion is:
°F to °C Deduct 32, then multiply by 5, then divide by 9
Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion is:
°C to °F Multiply by 9, then divide by 5, then add 32
The two popular conversion links are
Rapid Tables conversion of Centigrade to Fahrenheit
or you may like this one better
Math is Fun website has this colorful tool you can use to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit easily as well.
I learned at a young age how important weather was to your daily life. Bad weather could affect what you were trying to do that particular day. On the opposite side of the coin, a beautiful weather day could be a magnificent gift to you and you would want very much to be able to enjoy the good weather day you had been given.
My goal with this site is to share all about weather instruments and how they can be used to improve your daily life. Especially how helpful a personal weather station can be in improving your daily life at your home and on your property. Enjoy my findings and see if the information can help you out with your knowledge of understanding the weather in your locality.
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